I have emails to confirm that I was invited to try Fortnite BR as a paragon founder and of my involvement in the aforementioned event but on epic's side they say there is nothing except the account that starts in 2022. I definitely had vbucks from previous event giveaways and whatever shit you get from the old seasons, but it's just gone, as though it never existed.
Tried to go through support and they can see my epic account is old enough (I was a paragon founder and that is still logged) but nothing about fortnite except my new stats starting in 2022. Same epic account, same email, same everything. I came back in 2022 to see how the game was and it treated me as a new user.
Started playing Fortnite before it was a BR and stopped in 2018, a little bit after the 2017 Fortnitemares event and following Christmas event.